Web Tools Assignment

The web tools assignment was one that was fun and interesting at the same time. We had to create a rubric, a test, and a bookmark. The rubric was fun to make. I love creating stuff! 🙂 Creating the rubric was not very hard at all, it was actually pretty easy. The test was easy also and very, very fun. The test was the first test I had ever created, so I was happy to be able to created it. It was interesting and fun to do. The bookmark on Track Star was the project for this assignment that was the most challenging for me. I had never heard of or created a bookmark before. It was interesting to do, but wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing or if I was doing it right or not. I did enjoy creating all of these projects though and I also learned a great deal of information for my future use.

My Rubric!

My Test!

Track Star

Google Groups Assignment

This assignment was one that I really enjoyed! I love working with other people, and it was great getting to know George Arthur, Donna Busby, and Donna Crawford. We all worked together well as a team. Getting everyone started at the beginning was one of the most challenging aspects of this assignment, but once we got everyone in gear, everything went fairly smooth. I started the story, and everyone else contributed to it. Donna Busby created the PowerPoint, which was fantastic! George created the spreadsheet which was also really nice. The survey was the last thing that was done and I am not sure who created it to be honest. I think it was George Arthur, he emailed it to all of us, but I am not sure if Donna Crawford created it and emailed it him or not. Regardless, this assignment has been the most challenging so far. It was a relief when it was finished. I think that all of the assignments and discussions turned out great and I learned a LOT doing this assignment. I am thankful for all of my classmates that helped with this project and want to say to them, “THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK!!!”.

Here are the links to all the projects we created:

Group 1 Google Group:


Group 1 List Serv:


Group 1 Discussion:


Group 1 PowerPoint for:


Group 1 Spreadsheet:


Group 1 Story:


Group 1 Survey:


My Story – Movie Maker Project

This project was fun, to say the least. I loved working with my own pictures, which made it more personal for me. I love pictures, so this was one of the best projects for me to do! Working with windows movie maker live was a little mind-boggling at first, but once I got the hang of it, I was set to go. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to add audio on windows 7, because it was different from the tutorial; I got it figured out though. This project was fun and I would love to do something like this again. I thought it would be more like making a PowerPoint, but was actually like making a movie. I can’t wait to use this technology in my future classroom.

The link below will take you to my movie:
