Web Tools Assignment

The web tools assignment was one that was fun and interesting at the same time. We had to create a rubric, a test, and a bookmark. The rubric was fun to make. I love creating stuff! 🙂 Creating the rubric was not very hard at all, it was actually pretty easy. The test was easy also and very, very fun. The test was the first test I had ever created, so I was happy to be able to created it. It was interesting and fun to do. The bookmark on Track Star was the project for this assignment that was the most challenging for me. I had never heard of or created a bookmark before. It was interesting to do, but wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing or if I was doing it right or not. I did enjoy creating all of these projects though and I also learned a great deal of information for my future use.

My Rubric!

My Test!

Track Star

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