Assisstive Technology

This assignment was fun, but a little hard to figure out at first with my new Windows 7 operating system. I enjoyed this project and learning about all the different ways to change the computer settings for those in need. This assignment taught me a lot and I will take this knowledge with me for the rest of my life. I loved doing this assignment and learning so many new things. One of the most interesting things I learned was how to change the contrast on the computer settings for people with vision problems. I never knew that there were so many settings on computers that could be changed to foster the needs of those with disabilities. This is great to know though, and I am glad that we had to complete this assignment. I learn something new everyday in this class. Learning about all these accessibility features has really made me think about how computers actually need more features like these to help those who have problems. This assignment was very helpful!!! 🙂

Assistive Technology Assignment

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