My Website :)

This was the funnest project I think I did all summer. I loved making my own website. I learned so much while completing this assignment. Adding this schedule and making rubrics was really fun for me. Having a website available for students and parents will help the classroom as a whole a better environment, and hopefully a better success. A lot of times teachers send home announcements by children, and let’s face it… children are children and sometimes lose things. Having a website and general spot for both parents, teachers, and students to refer to is a great asset to the classroom. With the use of this website, my students will know what homework they have and their parents will know also. I think that this website will be a great attribute to the success of many classrooms and well as students.

This assignment made me really excited about becoming a teacher. I love teaching and I love helping students and I think that this website will be a wonderful asset to my teaching and my career.

My Website!

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